Digital ink illustration series of some of my favourite flowers. Started June 2020 and completed December 2023. You can read my thoughts on the various flowers here.

  1. 水仙 shuǐxiān / narcissus
  2. 梅花 méihuā / plum blossoms
  3. 菊花 júhuā / chrysanthemum
  4. 蓮花 liánhuā / lotus flowers
  5. 木蘭 mùlán / magnolia
  6. 茶花 cháhuā / camellia
  7. 桂花 guìhuā / osmanthus
  8. 牡丹 mǔdān / peony
  9. 蘭花 lánhuā / orchid
  10. 百合 bǎihé / lily
  11. 紫藤 zǐténg / wisteria
  12. 蒲公英 púgōngyīng / dandelion
  13. 是櫻花還是海棠花? Shì yīnghuā háishì hǎitáng huā? / Is it cherry or crabapple blossoms?
  14. 彼岸花 bǐ'ànhuā / red spider lily